Free December Desktop Calendar

size: 1667 x 1214
please feel free to resize the file

Three grueling hours! That's how long it took me to finish my December desktop calendar freebie. If my peepers could talk they would have cursed me endlessly. Anyway, please do remember that I am still a noobie (not a typo...just trying to be witty) at this Free Download business so please don't hate me if you encounter any problem. Just leave a message and I would gladly do my best to address them. Enjoy!

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  1. OMgoodness, so pretty!! You are a woman with many talents! Hope this month is treating you well, it seems the new year is just around the corner :)

  2. Lovely and so whimsy! You're so talented :) btw, I've been meaning to ask, do you accept illustration projects for a fee? I'm a fan of your digital illustrations..

  3. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, darling :)

  4. so sorry but i totally forgot to thank you for the freebie..i've had your calendar on both my desktops since the start of december. got so excited!

    merry christmas and have an awesome new year aileen! <3

    ♥ latest post: "december diary: styling for footzyfolds" at vanilla ice cream | a cebuana's personal style blog ♥


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